One Hundred and Sixty Years
Baha’is at the leadership of the community, followed by a discussion of the systematic destruction of Baha’i shrines and holy places in Chapter Five, and Chapter Six sets forth the economic strangulation of the Baha’i community. Chapter Seven discusses the new hidden policy of persecution in the post-Khomeini era and Chapters Eight and Nine consider the situation of Baha’is during the Khatami and Ahmadinejad administrations respectively. Chapter Ten points to the increase in anti-Baha’i hate propaganda and Chapter Eleven explores the various teachings of eminent Ayatollahs including Khomeini, Montazeri, and Khameini in relation to the Baha’is. Finally, Chapter Twelve considers the recent outpouring of support for Baha’is among Iranian leaders of thought and points to the promise of the future. Recent events leave no doubt that Iranian society is at a historical turning point as a new and enlightened generation questions traditional assumptions about what it means to be Iranian and what our nation should aspire to become in the years ahead. Since the persecution of Baha’is has been an integral aspect of an authoritarian political culture built on hatred and conspiracy theories, a better understanding of the plight of this community is integral to building a different identity that embraces the rich diversity of our country. It is hoped that this book will provide a foundation for a meaningful dialogue and many more publications in the years ahead as Iranians pursue the path of healing and national reconciliation.
Fereydun Vahman October 2010.
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